In Store

We do stock a selection of preowned records, available INSTORE ONLY and not available on our website.  Come and visit us at 2 Bank Lane, Bangor, County Down.

If you have a record collection you’re considering parting with, then call us on 02891225510.

Can't find what you looking for?

We aim to provide the best online record shopping experience we can, with accurate availability (if it’s on the website then it’s in our racks), clear pricing (all pricing includes VAT) and fast shipping  – but there really is no substitute for a physical record store, so visit our real shop when you can.

Bending Sound, 2 Bank Lane, Bangor.  BT20 5EG

Monday to Wednesday: 12pm-5pm
Thursday to Friday: 12pm-8pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: 12pm-5pm

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